WooCommerce Discount based on Cart Item

A discount on the total order with condition based on our cart item

Jquery Replace specific text in all element

Scenario Imagine you have a set of elements with the class specific_class, and they all contain the phrase “old text.” You want to replace this phrase with “New text” programmatically. The Solution Here’s a simple jQuery script to achieve this: How It Works Things to Keep in Mind Extending the Script jQuery provides a quick […]

Update WooCommerce Delivery cost with condition

Change Delivery price base on what item in cart

JS set interval for an event until element show

Sometimes we need to active an event when a specific element loads on-page or part of an element change.

Animated jQuery Counter Up with the Intersection Observer API

Learn how to create a simple counter animation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in this tutorial.

JS fetch post API Data in 5 min simple way

js fetch post API is very simple way. some line of Javascript code and boom.

Simple jQuery Accordion Collapse

Custom coded Simple jQuery Accordion with toggle arrow. No need extra plugin or fremwork like bootstrap

Add Custom element item in wp nav menu

Add Element on last item of wp nav menu

Conditional statement to show pagination

Conditional statement to show pagination on WordPress archive or blog page

HTML img tag to HTML SVG tag [WordPress]

Image to SVG for WordPress. Generate svg code from image file


File manager for any website

You can install a File manager for any website you are working on. It simple file manager PHP script that made by Tiny File Manager

Remove WooCommerce checkout fields

Remove WooCommerce Checkout field with simple filter hook

WooCommerce Checkout Conflict with Bootstrap 4.x

WooCommerce Checkout Conflict with Bootstrap 4.x. simple small code can fix this issue

Get WooCommerce product info

Show product info in the place as you wish to. It help you to make your custom woocommerce product page layout.

WordPress Next and Previous Post

WordPress Next and Previous Post navigation for custom post type and defult blog post simple php code to use single page


Filter custom post type by Custom Field (ACF) in the admin area

Show filter on custom post type admin area with custom field value

Elementor text editor Typography Issue [solution]

Elementor text editor Typography Issue [solution] Font size, color, line height issue fixed

Add Classe when the item visible

Add class on scroll to viewport jquery code

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